
Guillem Camprodon

Guillem Camprodon

MDEF Co-Director, Fab Lab Barcelona Executive Director

Guillem Camprodon is a designer and technologist working in the intersection between emergent technologies and grassroots communities. He is the executive director of Fab Lab Barcelona at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), a benchmark in the network of over 2000 Fab Labs and home of the Distributed Design Platform. He has a passion for teaching and is the co-director of the Master on Design For Emergent Futures (MDEF), a collaboration between IAAC and ELISAVA. Previously, he led Smart Citizen, a platform that opposes the traditional top-down Smart City model, empowering communities with tools to understand their environment. As a former research lead, he participated in many European-funded research and innovation projects, such as Making Sense, iSCAPE, GROW Observatory, Organicity, DECODE, ROMI and Reflow.

Laura Benitez

Laura Benitez

MDEF Co-Director

Laura Benitez has a Ph.D. in Philosophy and is a researcher, and university lecturer. Her research connects philosophy, art(s), and technoscience. She is an associate professor at the Department of Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She also teaches at Elisava. She has served as the coordinator of the Theory area in the Arts and Design Degree at Massana, where she has taught Critical and Cultural Studies. She has been a visiting researcher at the Ars Electronica Center and the Center for Studies and Documentation of MACBA. She has also collaborated with international institutions such as Interface Cultures Kunstuniversität Linz, Sónar Festival (Barcelona/Hong Kong), Royal Academy of Arts London, and the University of Puerto Rico. Between 2019 and 2021, she directed Biofriction, a European project (Creative Europe) on bioart and biohacking practices, led by Hangar in collaboration with the Bioart Society, Kersnikova, and Cultivamos Cultura. She is co-director of the Master on Design For Emergent Futures (MDEF).

Tomas Diez

Tomas Diez

MDEF Co-Director, Fab City Foundation Executive Director

Tomas Diez Ladera, a Venezuelan Urbanist, Designer, and Technologist, is known for his expertise in digital fabrication and its impact on future cities and society. He is a founding partner and executive director of the Fab City Foundation, and he also serves on the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia’s board of trustees, where he holds positions as a senior researcher and tutor. He actively collaborates with the Fab Foundation to support the global Fab Lab Network and has played a significant role in launching initiatives such as the Fab Academy and Fab City.

Tomas co-founded and co-designed projects like the Smart Citizen initiative and the global Fab Lab Network platform, fablabs.io. Additionally, he co-created higher degree programs, including the Master in Design for Emergent Futures (IAAC-Elisava) and the Master in Design for Distributed Innovation (Fab City-IAAC), both of which he co-directs. As a founding partner and President-Director of the Meaningful Design Group Bali, he aims to combine advanced technologies and design with alternative perspectives and cultures in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. He has received recognition as a young innovator of the year by the Catalan ICT Association and was nominated as one of Nesta's and The Guardian's top 10 Social Innovators in Europe.

Chiara Dall’Olio

Chiara Dall’Olio

MDEF Programs Coordinator

Chiara Dall’Olio is an Italian designer based in Barcelona. Architect and urban planner by training, she is currently the academic coordinator of the Master in Design for Emergent Futures and part of the Fab Academy global coordination team at Fab Lab Barcelona. She holds a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Ferrara, Italy. Master in City and Technology degree for IaaC, Barcelona, and Master in Urban and Territorial Planning for UPM, Madrid. Chiara has professional experience as an urban planner on several scales, from regional planning to small urban interventions. She applies the culture of planning to different fields: design, education, and research.

Kristina Andersen

Kristina Andersen

Associate Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology

Kristina Andersen is associate professor at the Future Everyday cluster of the Department of Industrial Design. Her work is concerned with how we can allow each other to imagine our possible technological futures through digital craftsmanship and collaborations with semi intelligent machines in the context of material practices of soft fiber-based things. How can we innovate, design and act around that which is yet to be imagined? Who gets to drive innovation processes? And how can we reframe our methodologies to include the complex cultural, political, and personal aspects of life? Can we approach this through making (and thinking) about technology, communities and materials as a way to construct visions of the unknown?

Andersen was based at STEIM for 14 years, she was part of the Making Things Public art research program at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and lead the Instruments and Interfaces master’s degree program at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. She is a longstanding advisor of the Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, and currently acts as expert reviewer for H2020, ICT and FET for both application and project reviews. Andersen co-chaired the CHI art 2018, CHI Design paper track 2019 and 2020, and DIS pictorials 2019.

Pau Artigas

Pau Artigas

Interactive Web Developer at Taller Estampa

Pau Artigas is an Interactive Web Developer at Taller Estampa. Estampa is a collective of programmers, filmmakers and researchers, with a practice based on a critical and archaeological approach to audiovisual and digital technologies. Since 2017 they have developed an important amount of work focused on the uses and ideologies of AI, an interest that started with a project programmatically entitled The Bad Pupil. Critical pedagogy for Artificial Intelligences (2017-2018).

Audrey Belliot

Audrey Belliot

Co-creator of Slow lab

Audrey is a designer and maker. She explores alternative ways to live towards a slower paced lifestyle more respectful of the environment with a critical approach to technology. She worked in the area of social innovation with a service design approach. After studying a Master in Design for Emergent Futures at IAAC x Fab Lab Barcelona x Elisava in Barcelona, she co-created the association Slow lab. Based in Akasha Hub, Slow lab is a collective which wants to bring awareness and promote a resilient lifestyle by questioning and redesigning the tools we use in our daily life to become less dependent on high-technology. She is currently collaborating with Fab Lab Barcelona on the European research project Centrinno.

Sally Bourdon

Sally Bourdon

Communities Development Researcher

Sally is a multi-disciplinary professional whose background includes biology; ecological economics; teaching, marketing, communications and events both in the USA and Spain. She uses her diverse background and a transecofeminist perspective to support the creation of a just present based on citizen-centred societies and economies that produce locally and connect globally, particularly around sustainable food systems and social & environmental justice. She is passionate about making information accessible to people of all backgrounds and equipping citizens with the tools to participate in creating the world around them. Currently, Sally is an action researcher at Fab Lab Barcelona. Most recently, she was project manager for the first phase of Food Tech 3.0, one of nine Accelerator Labs for the H2020 EU project FoodSHIFT 2030. The Accelerator Lab promotes a new generation of food technology that is open, equitable, sustainable and citizen-centred. Her past work includes researching food deserts, creating multi-actor local food dialogues, supporting school garden activities, and assessing the holistic sustainability of rooftop garden spaces.

Bani Brusadin

Bani Brusadin

Curator, educator and researcher

Bani Brusadin is a curator, educator and researcher interested in the possible feedback loops between art, digital cultures, planetary-scale technologies and their politics. He currently collaborates with Medialab Matadero (Madrid) and Fundación Foto Colectania (Barcelona). He was one of the guest curators for the 2023 edition of the renowned Berlin-based festival of art and digital cultures transmediale. In the past he founded and co-curated The Influencers, a festival about experimental art, design and activist practices in the networked society, co-produced by the CCCB Barcelona (2004 - 2019). He holds a PhD in Advanced Artistic Practices (University of Barcelona) and teaches in BA and master degree programs at Elisava, the University of Barcelona, and Esdi. He is the author of the essay The Fog of Systems, published by Aksioma Institute for Contemporary Art Ljubljana (2021).

Milena Calvo Juarez

Milena Calvo Juarez

Communities Expert

Milena Juarez (female) is a Brazilian environmental engineer with a master’s in Interdisciplinary Studies in Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability and specialization in Urban and Industrial Ecology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. With a large experience in research, Milena has been actively involved in various interdisciplinary research projects in the field of circular economy, resilient cities, co-creation, and sustainable food. She currently coordinates the Barcelona pilot for CENTRINNO EU project at IAAC and works as an action researcher for the REFLOW and FOODSHIFT EU projects. As one of the responsible for community engagement at Fab Lab Barcelona, Milena supports the local activities at the Fab City Hub, a co-creation distributed space to design the future for urban self-sufficiency.

Albert Cañigueral

Albert Cañigueral

Founder of ConsumoColaborativo and OuiShare Connector for Spain and Latin America

Albert is a multimedia engineer fascinated by the disruptive business models outside the pure digital domains. He founded ConsumoColaborativo in 2011 and since then he has been the reference in Spanish language for the collaborative economy. He also leads the OuiShare activities in Spain and Latin America.

In addition to teaching, speaking and writing about the impact of the collaborative business models, Albert is a consultant for startups, companies and public administrations who are willing to adapt their strategies to the collaborative era.

Author of “Vivir mejor con menos: descubre las ventajas de la economía colaborativa” (Conecta 2014)

Andres Colmenares

Andres Colmenares

Co-founder of IAM

Andres Colmenares (CO/ES) is the co-founder of IAM, the creative research lab helping citizens and organisations to anticipate, understand and address the socioecological challenges and opportunities emerging from the coevolution of digital technologies and internet cultures. He is also strategic advisor for WeTransfer’s Supporting Act Foundation, co-director of The Billion Seconds Institute and director of the Master in Design for Responsible Artificial Intelligence systems at ELISAVA.

Nuria Conde

Nuria Conde

Expert in bioinformatics and co-director of the Complex Systems research group at Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Nuria is a post-doctoral researcher at Complex Systems Laboratory at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in the PRBB. She holds a major in Biology and a engineering in informatics and performed her research thesis about Biocomputation, that it is at the interface of both fields. Nuria teaches biology for architects, artist and designers of IAAC, Elisava or Massana universities and is a founder member of the DIYBioBcn, the first biohacking group of Spain.

Markel Cormenzana

Markel Cormenzana

Mechanical Engineer and Transition Designer

Markel Cormenzana, Transition Designer. Mechanical Engineer specialized in Product Development from the University of the Basque Country and the University of Southern Denmark (SDU). Ma Advanced Design Studies (UPC-UB). He has channeled his professional activity towards designing (product, service, systems, UX...) and innovating to dance with the complex social, economic and environmental challenges we face as a civilization. He is also a regular guest teacher at several design schools in Barcelona such as IED, BAU, Elisava or ESDESIGN.

Fiona Demeur

Fiona Demeur

Faculty & Erasmus+ Project Manager

Fiona Demeur is an architectural designer with a passion for designing and working with nature to find architectural solutions for the city. She is currently working in the EU Project’s Department as a researcher and managing the Erasmus+ Programmes including Urban Shift.

After completing the Master in Advanced Architecture 02 at IAAC where she developed her thesis on food circularity, she has been involved with two start-ups. The first, eiria, a start-up developed here at IAAC during the BUILDs Programme and formerly known as aeroSQAIR, and secondly add.apt, a start-up based in Lagos, Nigeria formed by IAAC alumni. Both start-ups have been focusing on merging sustainable solutions with technological strategies.

Chiara Farinea

Chiara Farinea

Faculty & Nature-based Solution Expert, PhD Arch

Chiara Farinea is currently Head of European Projects and Head of Building with Nature Based Solutions Research at the Advanced Architecture Group Department at IAAC, her position includes being a coordinator and scientific personnel in several EU projects targeted at education, research, development and implementation and being faculty in IAAC educational programs. She developed several experimental projects related to the integration of living systems in urban environments through the use of advanced technologies for design and fabrication. The projects have been exhibited in international events such as the Venice Biennale and integrated in real environments such as public spaces in Barcelona.

Santiago Fuentemilla Garriga

Santiago Fuentemilla Garriga

Future Learning Lead

Santiago Fuentemilla Garriga , is Master degree in Architecture and postgraduate in digital fabrication and rapid prototyping (Fabacademy). He accumulates more than 15 years of experience in studios (OPR, FHAUS, OPERA, Brullet de Luna associats), designing multidisciplinary projects at an international level. Since 2013 he is part of the IAAC - Fab Lab BCN team, as coordinator and leader of Future Learning Unit (FLU), an area of research, design and implementation of innovative educational models that promote growth, learning and creativity to generate opportunities to achieve the goals and challenges of uncertain futures. FLU participates in private and EU funded research projects such as TEC-LA, Shemakes, Ruractive, DOIT, Phablabs 4.0, Creative Minds, among others. He is director of the global academic programs Fab Academy and Fabricademy, in the Barcelona node, executive board of Fab Learning Academy, and faculty of the Master in Design for Emergent Futures (MDEF) and The Master in Design for Distributed Innovation (MDDI).

Ana Gallego

Ana Gallego

Architectural/Urban Designer and Researcher

Ana Gallego is an urban designer and researcher at IAAC's Urban Sciences Lab, where she conducts innovative and sustainable projects across a wide range of spatial scales. Recently, she was recognized as one of the 25 emerging researchers in the field of architecture and urbanism in Europe by ‘Learn, Interact and Networking in Architecture,' a European Union platform formed by leading institutions of Architecture and Urbanism in Europe. Her work has been supported and promoted, among other institutions, by the New European Bauhaus, the Mostra di Architettura di Venezia, MODEL: Festival de Arquitecturas, and Barcelona Architecture Week. She is currently collaborating with various European institutions, such as the Kosovo Foundation of Architecture, the Timisoara Architecture Biennale, and the Haus Der Architektur Research Lab. Ana has previously worked in different architectural and urban planning firms, such as AMB: Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, Miralles Tagliabue EMBT, Sol89 Arquitectos, and Pargade Architectes.

Petra Garajová

Petra Garajová

Materials & Textiles

Petra is a Slovak designer with a background in architecture, exploring the boundaries of material science, digital manufacturing and textiles. Currently she is working in Fab Lab Barcelona as a Fabricademy Local Instructor. Her main interest arises from biology and waste materials which lie on the borders of various artistic disciplines. Nowadays, she is also a co-founder of the Experimental Design platform which is using fashion as a tool to reshape the connection between nature, soft materials and the human body using new technologies. Petra holds a Master’s degree in Arts and Architecture at the Academy of Arts Architecture and Design in Prague. After her architectural studies she graduated from Fabricademy – Textile and Technology Academy in Fab Lab Barcelona IAAC. During her studies she was part of Shemakes.eu European project as an Ambassador between Fab Lab Barcelona and TextileLab Iceland working on the Lab to Lab project – Rethinking Wool. Her Fabricademy final project was awarded the Young Scientist Award 2022.

Adrià Garcia i Mateu

Adrià Garcia i Mateu

Designer and activist, founding member of Holon.cat

Designer and activist involved in projects enabling the everyday life of just sustainability transitions. He is a founding member of Holon, a non-profit cooperative advancing the role of design in societal transformations. Skill set based on strategic design, design research and service design developed in more than a decade of experience in projects with organisations such as Interface Inc., UN Environment or La Borda Coop. Since 2010 he’s been involved in the education of more than 600 design students internationally and is a founding member of EDIVI, a catalan network of centers promoting design for social innovation and sustainability.

BA in Design by Eina, School of Design and Art of Barcelona, Catalonia (2009) Adrià took part of the EU LeNS Program in Polytechnic of Milan, Italy (2009), and holds a MSc. in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability by the Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden (2012). In 2016 took the first course on Transition Design by the Schumacher College, UK. Doctoral student by IN3 program of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya on policy design and transitions in the cooperative housing sector.

Nikol Kirova

Nikol Kirova

Interdisciplinary Architect

Nikol Kirova is an interdisciplinary Bulgarian architect with an educational background in interior design, urban planning, and advanced architecture. Currently, Nikol is a teaching assistant and a researcher at IAAC, developing her Ph.D. with a focus of her research is the integration of material innovation in design and architecture, as part of the IAAC-SWIN offshore Ph.D. program, developed with the Swinburne University of Technology.

The common feature of her work is the search for alternative solutions for optimized construction, material informed design, and spatial communication. Her research interest lies in investigating how materiality in architecture and construction can be reestablished and propose a better communication between the built environment and its inhabitants.

For a couple of years Nikol was developing Synapse, a smart material system for real-time urban flow data collection toward responsive environments and informed decision making. The novel research was awarded with the Digital Matter and Intelligent Construction and the Artificially and Materially Intelligent Architecture excellence awards in 2018 and 2019.

Mariano Gomez-Luque

Mariano Gomez-Luque

Urban Sciences Lab Director

Mariano Gomez-Luque is the director of the Urban Sciences Lab at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), co-director of FORMA, an office for general architecture based in Córdoba, Argentina, and an affiliated researcher at the Urban Theory Lab in the University of Chicago. His research explores the intersections among the design disciplines, critical urban theory, and science fiction studies, with an emphasis on the status and potential of architectural production under conditions of planetary urbanization. Mariano holds a Doctor of Design (2019) and a Master of Architecture (2013) from Harvard GSD.

Oscar Gonzalez

Oscar Gonzalez

Sense Making Expert

Óscar González is an Industrial Engineer based in Barcelona with expertise in data analysis, testing and calibration through his experience in automotive and sensor development. Óscar is the Sense Making lead at Fab Lab Barcelona team doing research and development within the Smart Citizen project and is an instructor at the Fabacademy program.

Ariel Guersenzvaig

Ariel Guersenzvaig

Lecturer at ELISAVA School of Design and Engineering

Ariel Guersenzvaig is a lecturer at ELISAVA School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona (Spain). He combines his academic work with 20+ years of professional experience in the field of user experience and service design. He is the author of an upcoming book on design professional ethics (Rowman & Littlefield, April 2021). Besides professional ethics and design theory, another important locus of research is the ethical impact of machine intelligence on society, with a focus on autonomous weapons and algorithmic justice. He has published in academic journals such as ACM Interactions, SDN Touchpoints, AI & Society, Journal of Design Research, and IEEE Technology and Society Magazine. He holds a PhD in Design Theory from the University of Southampton (UK), an MA in Ethics from the University of Birmingham (UK).

Roger Guilemany

Roger Guilemany

Design Researcher and Practitioner

Roger Guilemany is a founding member of the design cooperative aqui, where he contributes, through action research, to processes of ecosocial transition and the praxis of participatory design. As an independent researcher, he is interested in relationships and collaborative processes of situated production. With his design practice, he also collaborates with commoning projects and other self-governance structures.

Jessica Guy

Jessica Guy

Distributed Design Expert

Jessica Guy is a designer and action researcher. Jessica’s work focuses on exploring participatory practices, community engagement and capacity-building activities in European research projects on a global and local scale. Jessica holds a Master degree in Design for Emergent Futures organised by the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia and Elisava Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, in collaboration with the Fab Lab Barcelona and Fab Academy. In the past, Jessica successfully graduated as an Industrial Designer (BA) at the Munich University for Applied Sciences and participated in the acceleration programme X-Futures by Fab Lab Barcelona. At Fab Lab Barcelona, Jessica is leading the global activities of the Creative Europe project Distributed Design Platform and co-leading the Erasmus+ Project Makeademy educational programme. Furthermore, they are the Make Works worldwide coordinator and lead of Make Works Catalonia. Jessica has contributed as a researcher to the European-funded projects Pop-Machina, CENTRINNO and REFLOW.

Gabriele Jureviciute

Gabriele Jureviciute

Academic coordinator of the Master in Advanced Architecture at IAAC

Gabriele Jureviciute is a Lithuanian architect with a Master’s Degree in Advanced Architecture from the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC). She is currently working as the academic coordinator of the Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA01) at IAAC, a faculty member of the Advanced Manufacturing Thesis Cluster and the Fab.AR (Manual Fabrication Assisted with Augmented Reality) Seminar.

Gabriele’s professional interests include sustainable and responsive architecture, digital fabrication, and material circularity. Her master thesis project developed in 2018/19 at IAAC was based on the topic “Plastic Emergency Architecture: Creating low-cost, accessible architecture from waste material, improving liveability in areas affected by mismanaged plastic waste”. The project has been exhibited during the events such as Barcelona Building Construmat 2019 and Architects@Work Madrid 2019. Moreover, it has been developed further during the Residency program at Autodesk Build Space in Boston.

Before coming to IAAC Gabriele has been working as an architect in Lithuania and Portugal. Additionally, between 2015 and 2018, she was involved in many events related with the European Architecture Students Assembly (EASA) as an organiser, tutor, and national contact.

Mikel Llobera

Mikel Llobera

Digital Fabrication Expert

Born in Barcelona in 1995, Mikel has been doing art, graphic design and programming for video games and cinema until he discovered the amazing world of digital fabrication, the OpenSource community and makers to be related to different processes and characters of the sector. Until October 2021 he has been working as Manager of Fablab Barcelona, organising different things around the lab, including workshops, taking care of the machines, doing the necessary maintenance and teaching students not only how to use them but also how to become "makers". He has also been developing projects to empower people and communities to have access to technology in the most open way. When asked what he liked most about Fablab Barcelona he answers without a doubt: "Doing things" but "Doing open things". Since he left Fab Lab Barcelona in October 2021, he has been opening a new studio in Barcelona, called Facto, located in the Gràcia neighbourhood, where he has his own workshop and workspace for the development of projects, among which he is founding a design brand that works with recycled plastics.

Lucas Lorenzo Peña

Lucas Lorenzo Peña

Engineer, UX designer, and Researcher

Lucas Lorenzo Peña is an engineer, UX designer, and researcher who holds two Bachelor degrees in Computer Science and Cybercrime, and two Masters Degrees in Interactive Applications and Cognitive Science & Interactive Media. He is currently focused on researching the social aspects of intelligent agents (social neuroscience, multi-agent simulations, and embodied cognition), and how it relates to symbiotic social decision making between human and artificial intelligence.

Ce Quimera

Ce Quimera

Artist and researcher

Artist and researcher, born in Argentina and resident in Europe since 2000, living between Barcelona and Bourges. She studied Social Anthropology in Buenos Aires, while doing internships in performing arts and in 2008, together with Kina Madno, she created the lab, Quimera Rosa. From this point on she focused her corporal and investigative work on post-identity gender policies and corporal, identity and technoscience experimentations from a trans*feminist perspective.

Her work currently focuses on the development of performances, transdisciplinary projects and interactive installations, elaborating devices that function through corporal activity and experimentations in biohacking. In 2016, she began working with Quimera Rosa on the project Trans*Plant, carried out and produced by Ars Electrónica and the European Media Artists in Residence Exchange (EMARE), Hangar and the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB), the University of California in Davis and L'Antre Peaux. She is a resident artist together with Gaia Leandra at the Hangar wetlab (2020/2022), where she carries out projects of investigation and experimentation in art and science from a transhackfeminist vision.

Angella Mackay

Angella Mackay

Lecturer at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS)

Angella currently works as a Lecturer for the M.Sc. Digital Design (MDD) programme at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS), and as a Researcher for both the Fashion Research & Technology (FRT) and Civic Interaction Design (CIxD) groups at AUAS. Angella holds a doctorate degree from the Eindhoven University of Technology and Signify Research (formerly Philips Lighting Research) as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie doctoral fellow with ArcInTex ETN. Since 2007, Mackey’s design practise has investigated wearable technologies in art, research and commercial contexts. She has designed hyper-functional garments in a wide range of industries, from medical to commercial space flight, and lectured in various settings on the design challenges for integrating electronics into fashion. Most notably, she founded Vega Wearable Light, a line of illuminated outerwear for style-conscious cyclists from 2010-2014 in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Mathilde Marengo

Mathilde Marengo

Architect, Ph.D. in Urbanism

Mathilde Marengo is an Australian – French – Italian Architect, with a Ph.D. in Urbanism, whose research focuses on the Contemporary Urban Phenomenon, its integration with technology, and its implications on the future of our planet. Within today’s critical environmental, social and economic framework, she investigates the responsibility of designers in answering these challenges through circular and metabolic design.

She is Head of Studies, Faculty and Ph.D. Supervisor at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia’s Advanced Architecture Group (AAG), an interdisciplinary research group investigating emerging technologies of information, interaction and manufacturing for the design and transformation of the cities, buildings and public spaces. Within this context, Mathilde researches, designs and experiments with innovative educational formats based on holistic, multi-disciplinary and multi-scalar design approaches, oriented towards materialization, within the AAG agenda of redefining the paradigm of design education in the Information and Experience Age.

Her investigation is also actuated through her role in several National and EU-funded research projects, among these Innochain, Knowledge Alliance for Advanced Urbanism, BUILD Solutions, Active Public Space, Creative Food Cycles, and more. Her work has been published internationally, as well as exhibited, among others: Venice Biennale, Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale, Beijing Design Week, MAXXI Rome.

Josep Marti Elias

Josep Marti Elias

Fabrication Expert

Josep Martí is an Industrial Engineer from Barcelona. Josep started his career as a BI consultant but decided to change his professional path graduating from Fabacademy in 2019. Since then, he has taught digital fabrication, design and electronics in the Fablab, being part of the Future Learning Unit teaching in Fabacademy, Fabricademy and the Master in Design in Emergent futures. Recently, he started his path as a researcher in Erasmus+ projects. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Technology Engineering and a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering, specialising in Automatic Control, both from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and the Fabacademy diploma. He has always been interested in the Maker culture and is always looking to learn and create new things.

Kevin Matar

Kevin Matar

Faculty Assistant, Architect, Urbanist, and Environmentalist

Kevin Matar is an architect, urbanist and environmentalist. He studied at l’Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts in Beirut, then did his Master specialisation in Advanced Ecological Buildings & Biocities from the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia in Barcelona. Moreover, he did research on waste from construction, natural materials and mycelium and as an activist worked on environmental projects with NGOs, communities and companies in Lebanon.

Based in Barcelona now, he is the coordinator of the Master in Advanced Architecture second year programme and the CIEE programme at IAAC.

Kevin was part of the team that started theOtherDada‘s expansion from architecture into Urban Afforestation, dedicating his time into what started out as pro-bono side projects and quickly became an integral part of tOD’s business model.

Kevin has been a member of Recycle Lebanon since 2017 working on campaigns like “Break free from plastic” in the dive into action program. In 2021, he was the data outreach consultant in Regenerate Hub. Most recently, he is the lead architect of Terrapods green fab-lab in Lebanon.

Jonathan Minchin

Jonathan Minchin

Founder of Ecological Interaction Applied Research group and Civic Ecology Advisor at Fab Lab Barcelona

Jonathan Minchin studied Fine Arts and Design Craftsmanship and digital Fabrication. He attained BA in Architecture and a masters degree MSC in ‘International Cooperation, Sustainable Emergency Architecture’ in 2010. He is coordinator of the EU funded research project called ROMI (Robotics for Microfarms) and has spoken at the European Commission and British Parliament.

In this field he has worked on housing and development projects alongside ‘Habitat for Humanity’ in Costa Rica, ‘UNESCO’ in Cuba and with ‘Basic Initiative’ in Tunisia.

He has worked in conjunction with ‘UN-Habitat’ in Barcelona and holds a particular interest in appropriate technology, bioregional industries and agroecology. His professional career has focused on architectural and urban development projects with Architects Offices in both England and Spain and his writing on “Geographic referencing for Technology Transfer” was published in the book “Reflections on Development and Cooperation” in 2011. He took part in the Fab Academy, Bio Academy and Coordinated the Green Fab Lab and Valldaura campus between 2012 and 2017.

Jonathan has also worked on the on the DIYBio Barcelona project.

Manuela Reyes

Manuela Reyes

Art Director

Manuela Reyes is a Colombian designer. Her work as an art director includes creating visual identities, photography, data visualisation, web, and spatial design for Fab Lab Barcelona and Fab City projects. Her interest is to portray complex and dense information in captivating graphical and physical form. Manuela owns a BA in Product and Service design focused on sustainability from IED Milano and a Master’s in Art Direction and Communication Strategy from Elisava.

Cristian Rizzuti

Cristian Rizzuti

Interactive Media Artist

Cristian Rizzuti is an interactive media artist working in Barcelona. Graduating in Visual and Multimedia Art, Cristian has achieved an M-IA Master course at IUAV University of Venice focusing on interactive immersive environments.

After his studies, Cristian has presented his works in major events and locations in Europe, such as ZKM museum Karlsruhe, Sonar Barcelona, MAXXI museum Rome, Venice Biennal. Always inspired by Science and mathematics, Cristian has focused his personal investigation on the role of human perception and the definition of synesthetic spaces and emotional sounds connected to the body. Being inspired by digital arts, live media and interactive experiments, Cristian’s works can be described as light sculpture installations.

Pablo Ros

Pablo Ros

Architect, IAAC Seminar Faculty

Pablo Ros graduated as a Phd architect at ETSAB. He received his Post Professional Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design (MSAAD) from the GSAPP at Columbia University in New York. After concluding the Advanced Architectural Research Program (AAR) at Columbia University.

He is the recipient of the Arquia-Fundación de Arquitectos´03, La Caixa 09, Gatsby Arts Foundation´12 and Kinne´12 grants. He has worked for different international practices, most notably Cloud 9 and Foreign Office Architects (FOA). He is Founder of Scanarq and multidisciplinar Ros+Falguera Architectural Office. His work has been awarded by the Mies Van der Rohe, FAD and Think-Space Prizes, amongst others.

Combining academic and professional experience he has been previously teaching at the Architectural Association of London, GSAPP Columbia University and Barnard College of New York.

Davide Rovera

Davide Rovera

Entrepreneurship Lecturer and Startup Mentor

Davide Rovera is an Entrepreneurship Lecturer and Startup Mentor, with international experience in the consulting and industrial industries as well as the b2b SaaS and growth spaces.

Davide is a Lecturer at the Department of Strategy and General Management at Esade Business School, where he teaches Entrepreneurship and Product Management courses both at the undergrad and graduate level. He is the co-founder and Manager of eWorks, Esade’s venture creation program, which provides support to students and recent graduates working on the creation of high growth companies. He’s an adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship for IAAC and Porto Business School, and an Advisor to Feat Ventures and Fondazione CRT.

From 2017 to 2019 he collaborated with Fusion Point, a project created in partnership between Esade, UPC (Polytechnic University of Catalunya) and IED (Istituto Europeo di Design) and part of the Design Factory Global Network. He has been part of the founding team of Fusion Point, then covered the role of Industry Collaboration Manager.

Davide is particularly interested in supporting early stage ventures, especially at the intersection between technology, design and business with a particular focus on AI, Education and Web3. He is an investor and advisor to multiple early stage startups in different industries.

Davide is a volunteer for the Startup Africa Roadtrip program, supporting subsaharan African entrepreneurs.

Before joining Esade, he worked as a Consultant in the Business Development and Special Projects area of CNH Industrial, one of the world’s largest capital goods companies. He acquired international startup experience by leading the US Business Development efforts in San Francisco for an Italian startup, Vivocha and co-created an incubator for web 2.0 projects, Treatabit.

He holds a M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and Management from Politecnico di Torino (Italy) and completed his studies at RWTH Aachen (Germany) and Kent University (UK).

Ramón Sangüesa

Ramón Sangüesa

MDEF Faculty / Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Ramon Sangüesa is a professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, (UPC) he has been affiliate researcher at and Visiting Professor at Department of Sociology at Columbia University (New York) and Senior Fellow of the Strategic Innovation Lab at the Ontario College of Art and Design at the University of Toronto (Canada). He is currently Academic Coordinator of the new Degree in Artificial Intelligence at UPC university.

Mario Santamaria

Mario Santamaria

Postdigital artist

The artistic practice of Mario Santamaría (Burgos, Spain, 1985) studies the phenomenon of the contemporary observer, paying attention to two processes, the representational practices and the machines vision or mediation. Using different tactics such as appropiation, remake or assembly, his work involves different fields like the conflict, the memory, the virtuality or the surveillance. He has been a resident artist at Hangar (Barcelona, 2015), Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg (Stuttgart, Germany, 2015) and Flax Art Studios (Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2014), among others. At CCCB he is a regular contributor to the The Influencers festival where he has developed projects such as Internet Yami-Ichi (2016, 2017) or Barcelona Internet Tour (2018).

Nico Schouten

Nico Schouten

Online Guest Faculty, Team Lead of Built Environment Team at Metabolic

Nico Schouten joins Metabolic as the team lead of the Built Environment team. He focuses on the implementation of circular principles and systems-thinking in building projects. He works with architects to create clear frameworks on how to design and realise the circular buildings of the future.

While undertaking a Masters in Architecture at the faculty of Architecture and the Built environment at the TU Delft, Nico became interested in using what he was learning to build a more sustainable world. This led him to further research the concept of systems thinking, and how to implement circular strategies in his designs.

Nico has worked on a wide range of building projects, focused on urban natural ecologies, waste systems, renewable energy, and happy and healthy communities in different geographies.

His background as an architect, coupled with his experience in collaborative urban design processes and systems thinking, allows him to integrate knowledge on ecological impacts with creative solutions that engage novel technologies and are sensitive to social issues.

Adai Surinach

Adai Surinach

Digital Fabrication Expert

Adai graduated with a superior degree in engraving and stamping techniques at Llotja School of Art and Design in Barcelona. After graduation, he became interested in 3D printing, taking him to get involved in Fab Labs until becoming an intern at Fab Lab Barcelona. Shortly after, Adai undertook Fab Academy in 2022 and started working at the lab in different projects like Smart Citizen and as an instructor in academic programs.

Oscar Tomico

Oscar Tomico

Associate Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology

Oscar Tomico is associate professor at the Department of Industrial Design at Eindhoven University of Technology on Design Research Methodologies for Posthuman Sustainability. His research revolves around 1st Person Perspectives to Research through Design at different scales (bodies, communities and socio-technical systems). Ranging from developing embodied ideation techniques for close or on the body applications (e.g. soft wearables), contextualized design interventions to situate design practice in everyday life, exploring the impact of future local, distributed, open and circular socio-technical systems of production, or experimenting with cohabitation as a posthuman approach to multi-species design.

Jana Tothill Calvo

Jana Tothill Calvo

Design Researcher

As a designer and researcher with a strong focus on sustainable practices and innovative design methodologies, Jana is committed to questioning and challenging the field of design. By continuously striving for movement and positive change, she puts sustainability, innovation, and care at the forefront of her work — which is always underpinned by post-humanist and feminist materialist thought. In her design practice, Jana’s work is community-driven and collaborative, working with other designers and artists to create thought-provoking installations and experiences.

Olga Trevisan

Olga Trevisan

EU Creative Action Researcher

Olga Trevisan is an Italian visual artist who graduated from I.U.A.V at the University in Venice and holds a Master’s Degree in Local Development from the University of Padua. Over the past ten years, she has been actively involved in European and international cross-disciplinary projects as an art and education facilitator and consultant, focusing on participatory practices and bottom-up strategies. One of her main focuses is to use arts and crafts to promote collaborative methodologies in local communities connecting them to global challenges. In 2022 she supported Centrinno EU project team and is now involved in Distributed Design and Dafne+ as EU Creative action researcher at IAAC | Fab Lab Barcelona.

Pablo Zuloaga Betancourt

Pablo Zuloaga Betancourt

Futures Designer, Creativity & Strategy Consultant / POWAR Founder

Experienced Creative Director with 15+ years in global agencies and brands across Latin America and Europe. Holds a Master's in Future Design, specializing in digital manufacturing and emerging tech. Over 6 years of teaching in diverse universities, focusing on communication, creativity, design, and storytelling.

Founder of POWAR, a Barcelona-based R+D Ed-Tech studio driving planet-centred STEAM education. Known for strategic vision, expertise in innovation, project management, and audiovisual production. Researching around the future of education.

Ron Wakkary

Ron Wakkary

Design Research Methodologies, Posthuman Sustainability

Ron Wakkary is full professor in the Future Everyday cluster. In addition, he is full professor at the School of Interactive Arts and Technology, Simon Fraser University in Canada where he is director of the Interaction Design Research Centre and founder of the Everyday Design Studio. Wakkary is interested in design-oriented human-computer interaction, tangible computing and the philosophies of technologies through design. Wakkary’s research investigates the changing nature of interaction design in response to everyday design practices in the home and new understandings of human-technology relations. He aims to reflectively create new interaction design exemplars, concepts, and emergent practices of design that help to shape both design and its relations to technologies. Wakkary considers people as integrally connected with technologies, and specifically as creators and makers rather than passive users or consumers of digital artifacts. He investigates how to design computational things that are radically simple, allowing ‘everyday designers’ to determine how these things fit into their lives and improve upon them. The big idea behind his work is that the artifacts and systems we design are resources rather than finished products. Wakkary has a background in interaction design, computer science and visual arts.

Saul Baeza

Saul Baeza

Material culture, digital identity, technology

Saúl Baeza is the Director of DOES, a design and consultancy practice that explores the potentials of materials through research and experimentation. DOES members act as creative directors in the ever-changing-material-world in which our bodies are constantly interacting. Their aim is to develop concepts that lie at the intersection between product and technology, fashion and identity.

Saúl is researching at TU Eindhoven and ELISAVA Research. He is also curating for Understanding Design, an association whose objective is to enhance the culture of contemporary and avant-garde design in Barcelona.

Saúl is also founder and editor-in-chief at VISIONS BY, a material culture centered magazine.