The course explores the development of artificial intelligence and its close connection with design from its very beginning. We will delve into the concepts of design that exist in AI and will connect them with their implications and their possibilities as guidelines for emergent design. In this process, we will explore the autonomization of the object, the collective dimension of intelligent behavior, and the challenges that they pose for established design methods.
Students will complete the course having learned the following objectives:
A brief history, state of the art of, societal relevance of:
Machine Intelligence
Autonomous Systems and Agents
Distributed Ledger Technologies
How design, creativity, and ultimately decision making is influenced:
Human-Machine Interactions
Machine-Machine Interactions
Past present and future ethical context of:
Machine Intelligence
Distributed Ledger Technology
Practical Data Wrangling Exercises
Practical Experience with Machine Learning Classification and Prediction
The format of your work is quite open. Students will work in groups to come up with a physical computing project and presentation which incorporates the topics presented in the class.
Lucas Lorenzo Peña is an engineer, UX designer, and researcher who holds two Bachelor degrees in Computer Science and Cybercrime, and two Masters Degrees in Interactive Applications and Cognitive Science & Interactive Media. He is currently focused on researching the social aspects of intelligent agents (social neuroscience, multi-agent simulations, and embodied cognition), and how it relates to symbiotic social decision making between human and artificial intelligence.
Ramon Sangüesa is a professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, (UPC) he has been affiliate researcher at and Visiting Professor at Department of Sociology at Columbia University (New York) and Senior Fellow of the Strategic Innovation Lab at the Ontario College of Art and Design at the University of Toronto (Canada). He is currently Academic Coordinator of the new Degree in Artificial Intelligence at UPC university.
With a strong background in Finance & Accounting, Carlos has been working for large multinational corporations, manufacturing and Business Process Outsourcing based in Barcelona close to 20 years. In 2014 he focuses full time on the recent phenomenon of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and the technology and protocols enabling decentralized and trustless transfer of value. Currently under 3 different brands Carlos’ company offers coworking space in Vilanova, cryptocurrency consulting and Finance and Blockchain Education.

Oliver Juggins