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Every future scenario is built by detecting “weak signals” that set trends and point to certain directions, based on the analysis of the main change factors we can detect in the present. And the present for 2022 is a convulsed place, subjected to immense systemic crises that generate doubts about the survival of the status quo in multiple spheres. As a transversal and ongoing project of the Masters in Design for Emergent Futures, the Atlas of Weak Signals presents a space and a structure in which to navigate and position ourselves in this complex panorama, allowing for students and faculty to find design and intervention contexts and opportunities. The goal of this first Weak Signals in the Wild Week is to give the students a general overview of the signals and toolkit that constitute the ongoing Atlas, a showcase of the research projects developed by former students and research faculty, and finally, a glimpse into a specific context which offers a hyper-local and situated view of some of the possible vectors that the Atlas presents.

Additional Resources

Thinking in Systems - Donella Meadows

Dark Matter and Trojan Horses - Dan Hill

Exposing the magic of Design - John Kolko

Frame Innovation - Kees Dorst

A more beautiful question - Warren Berger

Design, When everybody Designs - Ezio Manzini

Design for the Real World - Victor Papanek

Critical Zones - Bruno Latour & Peter Weibel

Leading from the Emerging Future - Otto Scharmer and Katrin Kaufer



Markel Cormenzana

Markel Cormenzana

Mechanical Engineer and Transition Designer

Markel Cormenzana, Transition Designer. Mechanical Engineer specialized in Product Development from the University of the Basque Country and the University of Southern Denmark (SDU). Ma Advanced Design Studies (UPC-UB). He has channeled his professional activity towards designing (product, service, systems, UX...) and innovating to dance with the complex social, economic and environmental challenges we face as a civilization. He is also a regular guest teacher at several design schools in Barcelona such as IED, BAU, Elisava or ESDESIGN.

Mercè Rua

Mercè Rua

Researcher and Design Strategist at

Mercè Rua Farges is a researcher and design strategist at With a multidisciplinary profile, at the crossroads between the social sciences, design, and the performing arts, she works to train and accompany organizations in their efforts to prosper by favoring a positive impact on society and the environment. Her passion is bringing people and teams together to bring out their collective intelligence and alignment to drive change.